Originally posted on Amdall Gallery, jonamdall.com. The posts on this Blogger site are condensed; check out the original website for the full write-up and images.
Back in February, I did a couple sketches based on clothing ads I saw online. A couple weeks ago, I was flipping through my daily pile of junk mail and came across a small postcard ad for some local dentist’s office. I took a glance and thought, “wow, those might be the happiest people I’ve ever seen.” I guess that’s the best way to advertise for a dentist; happy people showing their teeth. Something tells me a group of closed-mouth frowners wouldn’t really drive customers in that profession!
Anyway, after that brief brain-drift about the happy dental patients, I immediately thought about my previous ad sketches. Why not do another? Advertisements are sort of fun to draw, because they are such odd scenes; either everyone is smiling uncontrollably, or they’re glancing solemnly off camera. It’s pretty strange and subsequently quite hilarious.
https://jonamdall.com/2018/03/21/more-art-from-ads/ for the rest of the post.
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